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How To Make Your Ex Want You Back? 3 Proven Steps!

Posted By On 03.42 695 kommentarer
How to make your ex want you back? How do I awaken the same sensational feelings inside my ex boy- or girlfriend, they once felt for me? Whatever you do DO NOT panic, they are still there. They just lie dormant right now. Do not get desperate and do not start begging your ex to take you back, like I once did. What did I get from being so pathetic? Nothing!.. Except that I almost lost the one last thing, you'd never want to lose. Your self respect - you need that in order to get your life back fast!

This blog post answers the question many people have, which is how to make your ex want you back? - in such a way that you don't lose your self respect, and you don't risk making the situation even worse...

First of all here's what NOT to do, if you want to get your ex back!

How To Lose Your Ex In 10 Days..

I DO NOT Want You To Make These Mistakes!

As you all know relationships always start out with two people who falls in love in each other.

Attraction is the keyword at first.. things that created attraction in the first place and made your ex see you as a very attractive person were, among other things, the excitement and the unique feeling, the impact you had on your ex. How you made your ex feel.. really special and appreciated. The intimacy aroused him/her. Your ex got his/her needs satisfied for the moment being. And you were probably being much more polite and kind to that your ex, in the beginning - and not being true to yourself.

After some time, a lot of relationships are becoming rutine - which kills most interest in being and spending so much time together - often people are not aware of what they need to do, to get back on track, and continue living and enjoying each other, praising every moment you have together. I think that's a shame - and futhermore, it's unnecessary!

Ultimately the disinterest leads to one getting dumped, because the other one wants to start a new exciting story of his/her life..

Whether you're a girl or a tough guy, it really doesn't matter at the bottom line, since a broken heart will get most people down.. and if your ex really ment everything to you, then you probably know what I'm talking about, when I say that you loose the will to live. You don't care if a car smacks right into you, as you drive.. All you think about is your lost love! You don't even care what your friends and family are saying, as they try to comfort you - because they just don't understand the pain and sorrow you're going through, and the loss you've just suffered. You think you lost someone unique - maybe you did. Most people think that.

That's just one more reason why you do not want to make any (more) mistakes right now! What people usually are doing now, is to get desperate. And I can assure you that pleading and begging your ex to take you back, only strenghtens your his/her desire to get away from you. Instead you need to keep calm, and give your ex some space.

It's an evil circle that will do you no good - you must read on. You will find the solution!!!

Think about it for a second. Maybe it'll take you a year, maybe two or even more, but when you finally get to the point, where you're able to move on, and find a new boyfriend / girlfriend, then if you bump into your ex a couple of years later, he / she'll be so much more interrested in you. And why is that so? Because your ex can't have you right now. Because you are not desperate and needy. Your ex isn't the center of your universe anymore.

So what you want to do after getting dumped, is to ask yourself, how to make your ex want you back? and answer it in a rational way. Try to see it from a different perspective. Try to see it like your ex does. You need to be calm, you need to think, you need to realise why it went all bad in the first place, and you need to make an attack plan - without your ex knowing about your motive of course.

I know it sounds impossible to you right now as you read it. But do NOT stalk them, it will just make you look like an idiot. The wimpy desperate crybaby doesn't work. The very first step is to realise that this IS the truth. You don't want your ex to take you back because he/she feels sorry for you. You want your ex to love you again. As much as you love your ex.

How To Make Your Ex Want You Back?

This Is What You Should Do - This Guy Knows His Stuff!

As I've already told you, I'm a pretty sensitive guy - when it comes to love.. and especially lost love.

I've tried the needy wimpy crybaby, and as I wrote above.. it really doesn't work. It just eats you up, and makes your feel terrible for months, even years after - depending on a lot of things.

The best cure to a broken heart, is falling in love again. But this situation is a bit different. Because you want your ex to fall in love with you again, so you need to understand a couple of things about how the human mind works before you jump right in.

Actually there is such an expert, T.W. Jackson. He's an expert in fixing broken relationships. He has written a book about the answer to the question you're asking, and it really does work. The best thing is that you don't necessarily need to buy his book, since he has ton of free information as well, which really could help you out a lot.

Try watching this short video. This guy really knows what he's talking about. You can trust what he's telling you, and you get some information you can go use right away. If you want to buy his stuff or just hear about his guarantee that he can get your ex to take you back, just click here to visit his site.

So the answer to the question how to make your ex want you back? really starts here, by watching this video. NOT by calling your ex and leaving desperate messages for him/her every half an hour. Whatever you decide to do, I wish you the best of luck.. oh and by the way, here's the link Click Here!!!

How To Make Your Ex Want You Back?

Well.. I kind of already gave you the answer.

How To Make Your Ex Want You Back Right now you're are probably feeling down right miserably - I know how it feels, how much it hurts, and you definitely do not need any fraud trying to sell you something fake, or something that doesn't deliver the promised results.

However I urge you to click the image to the right, and go receive your free information on how your can win your ex back. You can read a little about it, apply some of the techniques and then you can make up your mind, whether or not you want to buy the whole program, which is called The Magic Of Making Up. It's called that, because it works like magic - and there really is a lot of proof on this fact.

Trust me a minute, as I say this. Whatever you do, DO NOT call, sms or email your ex right now. Give your ex some time, so he/she thinks that you've accepted the situation, and he/she will eventually put his/her guards down - and thats exactly when you will strike back, with your well thought up plan. You loose 100% of the chances you don't take - can you afford not to take this one?

You Really Can Do This!!!

So go grab that free information right now, get instant access and start a new chapter for you and your ex - Click Here!

How To Make Your Ex Want You Back?

3 Guaranteed Proven Tips

This could be all you need to save your relationship!

Finally I just want to share a few important basic tips with you, relevant to the question you've been asking; how to make your ex want you back? They are..

#1 - Be strong even if your are torn apart on the inside!

Obviously what attracted your ex in the first place, was not the fact that you looked like a homeless little puppy with diaherea, living on the streets eating trash and freezing your ass off. So why act like one in your attempt to win your ex back? I know it's sooo hard, but you need to stay strong for now. In that way you show your ex that you have something to give, and that you can become a better and stronger person, through troubled times, as the need for you to be, arises. That creates attraction, and you need your ex to regain that perspective and feeling whenever he/she thinks about you.

#2 - No contact - Resist, respect and reflect..

Resist your need to call your ex. Do not email, sms or stalk him/her. Right now you might be the last person your ex wants to hear from.. Respect that. Give your ex some space and time to think - and do a little reflection yourself. If your ex still loves you, or have ever loved you, it's highly unlikely that your ex wants to jump straight from one bed to another. So take it easy and don't rush it!..

#3 - Figure out what went wrong.. find the source

Take a look deep inside yourself. Realize that you once had the things that your ex was looking for in the ideal boyfriend/girlfriend. You once managed to create attraction and desire like noone else - so your ex picked you. People value their time, and a relationship is very time-consuming, so of course your ex saw something he/she liked in you.

Relive your early days together - what made them so good? Instead of trying to find out where your ex might have changed, try to blame yourself instead. That's probably what your ex thinks, and you know what? Your ex might be right.. and you will improve your chances to win your ex back exponentially, if you find out what he/she thinks went wrong, and admits it. That way you show your ex that you've improved yourself.

If you ever want to make your ex fall in love with you again, you need to work yourself through these very important steps (and many more), BEFORE you try to contact your ex again..

There are lots of more free tips on how to make your ex want you back, and they are all yours. Just don't go do anything desperate that would ruin your chances of ever getting back together again. Go here for proven ways to get your ex back fast! They are guaranteed strategies, and as I mentioned all you need might be the free tips.

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Get Your Ex Back - Top 10 Mistakes To Avoid!

Posted By On 08.22 11 kommentarer
As a bonus I've also pieced together some additional homework for you, which will put a leash on your ex boy- or girlfriends heart, and literally pull them back in before you reach the point of no return.

Continue reading if you feel hurt, and depressed after a recently break up...

OK, I’ve got some really important things to go over with you if you’re going to make your ex want you back. Time is of the essence, so I’m going to be as quick as possible.

I could tell you some things about me. Like I used to make big mistakes in my relationships… Did some embarrassing things while trying to get one in particular back… I learned a lot, had some success and now help other guys and girls get their EXes back…

…but really we don’t have time to go over my background in full yet. I’ll give you a chance later to give me your email and I’ll tell you more about me.

It's not about making your ex take you back, the fine art is to make YOUR EX want YOU back..

For now, we gotta get focused on some MAJOR F*@K UPs statistics say you’re most likely to make right now.

People who are in deep pain from a break up have a tendency to do the exact OPPOSITE of what you should do. So I’m acting fast to try and get you to stop before any damage is done.

In any disaster the first step is to stop the bleeding and then fix the problem.

Your relationship is no different. There may be some underlying problems with your relationship that must be fixed, but we can get to that next. Right now we need to STOP the bleeding.

So here’s the plan. I’m going to give some blunt advice. Not because I’m mean, but because you need it now more than ever. There’s no time to waste.

The first thing you need to do is STOP acting in a way that your lover is biologically predisposed to NOT feel attraction for.

That means being weak, passive and overly-agreeable. For biological and evolutionary reasons we don’t need to get in to now, women seek strong men who can protect them. And men don’t respect women who let them get away with everything (which means you’ll be habitually cheated on).

So if you want to make your ex want you back - don't be that weak man or woman! You don't want them to take you back out of pitty anyway, would you? Rather you want to make your ex want you back, because they've found out they need you in their life..

I know, after a break up it’s hard to give off the appearance of being strong. But it’s absolutely vital. And it’s not as hard as you think if you’ll just agree not to make these 10 mistakes.

We’ll start with 10 mistakes to quickly stop the damage, and then we’ll move on to some homework and point you to the materials you’ll need.

Damage Control

10 mistakes that convince your lover they made the right choice

OK, first the 10 mistakes you DO NOT want to do, if you want to make your ex want you back. After that there’s some homework for you to do to lure your lover back.

People who get hurt are often the people who say they don’t want to play “games.” You know what? Too bad. The game is being played whether you know it’s your turn or not.

Men and women are constantly testing each other subconsciously to see if you’re a good choice for a long term mate. If you refuse to play along, you’re going to be left out.

You’ll find you can prove yourself worthy by avoiding these 10 mistakes.

MISTAKE #1: Acting Overly Nice And Believing It Makes You A Great Catch

How many times do you have to hear the cliché “nice guys (or girls) finish last” before you finally get it?

You can’t simply go along with everything your partner says and expect to have a great relationship.

Think of it this way. Every good story has conflict, right? Star Wars had good guys and bad guys. And in a similar way so did Pretty Woman and all other romantic comedies.

Conflict makes things interesting. And a relationship without conflict is BORING.

Being too nice comes across as being too passive, insecure, anxious, and predictable. That’s BORING.

Want to find that “spark” with someone special? Then don’t forget that it takes friction to create a spark. Stand your ground.

MISTAKE #2: Trying To Persuade Your Ex To Come Back With Logic

You cannot argue or logically persuade your way back into a relationship. Sure, you can argue yourself out of one just fine, but it doesn’t work in reverse.

You can’t convince a person to like you, love you or want to be with you. Emotions don’t work that way. It simply won't make your ex want you back..

A person’s heart is reactive, not logical. So instead of trying to talk them back in to it, there are some things you need to DO to get their heart to respond.

In the homework I have for you we’ll talk more about ways to get your EXes heart fluttering for you again. But that comes in a minute. Moving on…

MISTAKE #3: Playing The Role Of Human Doormat

I hope this doesn’t describe you…

So many people plead with their ex, “Please stay, I’ll do anything you want…”

NO! Don’t do it. That doesn’t make for a romantic relationship. It may turn you in to a sex buddy for a short time, but they will lose all respect for you.

That means as soon as something better comes along, you’re gone. Do NOT beg to be taken back.

MISTAKE #4: Showering Your Ex With Flowers And Gifts

Ever heard, “Can’t Buy Me Love?”

Maybe it’s time you gave it a listen again. Flowers and gifts are best used to say THANK YOU or I LIKE/LOVE YOU. But it does NOT build attraction.

In fact, it can be a repellent. It tells your ex you don’t believe you’re good enough to be taken back on your own merits… so you pad the package with presents to cover up flaws.

That’s an attraction-killer! Don’t do it.

MISTAKE #5: Saying “I Love You” Every 5 Minutes

It’s so easy to fall into this fatal trap of telling your ex-lover how much they mean to you and how much you love them… mistakenly believing once they “get” how much you love them they’ll come running back.

WRONG! It doesn’t work like that, or even close.

Smothering your ex with affection right now is not romantic. And despite what you may think, “But I really, really like you,” is not what your ex wants to hear.

Your strong feelings may in fact be the very thing that pushed your ex away to begin with. (Because it can come across as needy.)

MISTAKE #6: Missing The Whole Point Of Chemistry

Too many people completely miss the point of attracting the opposite sex because they do things that would attract themselves or others like them… in other words, people of the same gender.

No, I’m not saying you’re gay or even that you’re acting gay.

I’m just saying men and women are attracted to different things. You can’t use the same tactics that would work on you to woo a person of the opposite sex.

For example men are mainly attracted to a woman’s appearance while women are attracted to personality.

That doesn’t mean men should stop working on their appearance or that women should stop trying to be good people. But it does mean you need to make an effort to work on the things that will attract your partner.

We’re going to work on this in your homework. But for now just realize you need to know what attracts your EX and work on that.

Then you can work on learning the subtle body language cues and emotional hot-buttons turn them on without them even knowing it. (This is advanced stuff that sounds like voodoo, but it works! And we’ll cover it in your homework.) Do your homework and you will get your ex back, and you will make YOUR EX want YOU back. Not just agreeing to give you another chance. That way you completely turn the tables.

MISTAKE #7: Giving Your Ex All Your Power

Do NOT act like your life is over if your ex splits.

This simply surrenders all power to your ex and makes you look like a pathetic wuss they can walk all over. That’s NOT attractive and it will only last until someone new comes along.

You absolutely MUST keep the respect of your ex if you want a chance at winning them back.

(If you fear you’ve already lost their respect, you can get it back. We’ll discuss that in your homework.)

MISTAKE #8: The Looks And Money Trap

Our culture makes it so easy for people to believe that looks and money are all people care about.

But you know what? People really aren’t that shallow. Especially after you’ve been involved in a close relationship with the person.

Looks and money are not the foundations of a lasting relationship. They’re window dressing, and window dressing always gets tired after a time.

Some people make the mistake of saying… “I’ll lose 15 pounds, that will definitely make my ex want me back”

NO! You need to take action now. You’re doing that now by putting an end to the 10 most common mistakes, and then following up with your homework from then on.

MISTAKE #9: Mis-Reading The Cues

There’s usually a window when your ex is giving you a chance to make things right. But you NEED to read the cues to know when this window is, when it isn’t, and how to respond the way they’re hoping you will.

This part gets a little advanced, but you can learn from people who have studied human behavior, especially man/woman dynamics and romantic relationships.

When you get good at it you can begin to influence (or what some call “manipulate”) and gain control over any interaction with your ex by giving cues and signals of your own.

MISTAKE #10: Not Getting Help

Again, most people start a painful break up by making mistake after mistake. It’s a hard time for anyone to know what to do… but there is a right and a wrong way to try and win your ex back.

It makes some people uncomfortable but if you take the time to learn some things about psychology and people’s basic needs and desires from a partner, you can regain control and pull your partner’s heart back in to yours.

But you’ve gotta make the effort if you want to make you ex want you back, and that means getting help. You’ve taken the first step by reading these 10 mistakes. Now it’s time to get to the homework.

Stop All Those Mistakes Now And You’ll Stop The Damage…

Homework Time

It’s time to learn a few tricks and – sorry to say – some mischievous and clever manipulations to get your EXes heart and full attention back.

Your homework is watching a video made by a military brat who knows a LOT about relationships. We’ve already covered the 10 mistakes you SHOULDN’T make if you want to make your ex want you back. This video covers the first active move you SHOULD make.

I’ll send you over to the video in just a moment. For now, just think about it…

It’s Amazing What A Military Brat Knows About Broken Relationships

Picture this.

You’re a military brat. You’re constantly moving from one town to the next and sometimes with late notice. So your relationships – whether just friends or more – are constantly being tested, destroyed and/or created.

It’s a hard life. But in some ways, it can arm you with AMAZING social skills. You get so much experience managing relationships that you become a MASTER at a very young age.

It’s like if you wanted to be a basketball player and you grew up training with Michael Jordan. By the time you graduated 8th grade you’d be ready for the NBA!

Well that’s exactly what happened to T-Dub, the guy who put together this video.

It’s kinda funny, because he uses “Judo” as a metaphor to explain the first move you should make to make your ex want you back. (Guess he really did grow up on a military base!)

Watch T-Dub’s Video For Counter-Intuitive Advice That Works

Click the image below and you’ll be taken to his site. The video will play right away. When it’s done you should definitely keep reading down the page though (because there’s a lot more advice).

This Video Introduces You To T-Dub’s Secret Recipe For Relationships

Some people get mad at T-Dub. Especially relationship counselors who want to charge $50 to $100 an hour for weekly sessions that can last years… and T-Dub is able to fix things just by sharing a few secrets about people and relationships.

It all comes down to T-Dub’s secret recipe. He believes it’s possible for most any broken relationship to fix itself. It just takes the right ingredients and someone who’s willing to put them together. (And that person will be you.)

To find out about the recipe you have to click over to T-Dub’s site and watch the video… then read the message he has for you. You’re going to find out all about…

  • How to stop text message terrorism and drunk dialing.

  • The T-Dub Mind Calming Technique that will help you function.

  • The counter-intuitive first move for getting your ex back.

T-Dub also has some extra materials you’ll need to pick up if you’re serious about making your relationship work.

  • He’ll help you assess where you are in the heart and mind of your ex.

  • You’ll discover how to break down their defenses and touch their heart again.

  • Then you can create a step by step “love map” for rebuilding your relationship.

  • And best of all, T-Dub will share his best military-brat relationship advice so that once you’re back together… this will never happen again.

So if you’re serious, you need to do your homework and check out T-Dub’s video and message to you.

HOMEWORK: Watch T-Dub’s video now and find out your first move,

Click Here!

I’m 100% confident T-Dub can help your situation. Look what it did for these people…

Dating Again!

"Just wanted to say thank you soooooooooo much for the amazing advice in your book the magic of making up. Yesterday was that all important First Date and it was absolutely fantastic… i just had an email from him saying what a great time he had and how he can’t believe how cool it was to be together. Also back when we split up, your book picked me up out of the mud when I was feeling the worst I ever felt in my life, and doing all the things you advised gave me a life line – now I am so much stronger and happier. I’m still going to take things slowly with my ex (I’m not at the end of your plan yet!!) but I can’t believe how well life is going only 2 months after I felt like I was half dead. Thank you so much."


Ex POPS The Question…

"…just an email to say thanks for all the support and knowledge. my boyfriend has just proposed. we are the happiest we have ever been. wedding booked for 2011.

many thanks,"


Casey gets his girl back!

"I have good news, my ex did get back with me! She said to me the guy she went out with before was a cover up and she was lying to herself the whole time. Thanks for the support."


** Click HERE To See What T-Dub Can Do For You **

Getting your ex back could come down to one decision, this one. You’ve got nothing to lose and a lover to gain – click the link above to check out T-Dub’s video.

And don’t forget to check out the rest of his site when it’s done (there’s actually another video to watch that’s just as helpful, check it out!).

Good luck and now go make your ex want you back!!

The Magic Of Making Up Review - Legit Or Scam?

Posted By On 14.23 3 kommentarer

*Note: This is a review of The Magic of Making Up, Click here to visit Magic of Making Up site now.

Since you've landed on this page and since you're reading this Magic Of Making Up Review, chances are that you're in a state of emotionally pain and sorrow. If you're anything like me, your heart is torn apart and you feel lonely - it's a terrible cold and empty state to be in - and you constantly think about a way to undo things, so you can get back together once again.

What led to this breakup seems no longer important - it's in the past. The important thing to you is finding even just a glimpse of hope that you can fix the damage and get a second chance to get your ex back again.

Naturally, after having lost your loved one, your head is filled with questions, about to explode and doubts are eating you up from the inside, clouding your judgement and tearing you apart. You aren't thinking straight, perhaps your friends and family have told you the same thing, and of course you don't believe them. You might be in a state of denial. But believe me, I know exactly how you feel..

I know that what you really need is help. You need someone to take you by the hand, guide you, and if possible tell you step-by-step what to do and what to say – to fill the emptiness, sadness and lonelyness with love and warmth. You need guidence to reclaim the love of your life.

How Can This "Get Your Ex Back" Book Be Of Any Help To You?

The Magic Of Making Up is not just another rehashed crappy "get your ex back" ebook, it's not made from fictitious advice and it's actually one of those rare products, which is not made for the purpose of filling the authors pockets with "blood" money.

Everything in this ebook is based on real life experiences, faliures and successes of real people, because the author understands that reality and theory is two entirelly different things, when it comes to love and emotions.

The fact is that "The Magic Of Making Up" has already helped more than 6000 people face their depression, bring back lovers who left and repair relationships and marriages even if after a bad break up or an affair.

I'll be honest with you. I'm not in a position to tell you that this product is the best "get your ex back" product out there. I can't do that because of course I haven't followed each course..
What I'm going to do for you is to lay out how T Dub can help you and how you can benefit the most from it.

The Magic Of Making Up will literally walk you through this entire difficult process step by step. It will take you by the hand, and you will never feel stuck or lost no matter how ugly the damage already is!

You'll only be presented with guaranteed proven to work techniques needed to get back together again. Your relationship will be even stronger than it ever was before.

What's Inside The Packet?

The Magic Of Making Up consists of a main 62 page manual, which again is divided into a 4 stage plan. Through stage 1 to 4 you will undergo an astonishing transformation. At first things will seem hopeless, but as you progress through this program you'll gradually turn from heartbroken to confident, and ready to win back the love of your life.

This system will guide you to pinpoint the exact root cause why your ex left you. This is an essential step, since it's the direct cause why your relationship wrecked.

You'll Also Get These AWESOME Bonusses:

  • The Magic Second Chance Letter

  • The Mind Magic

  • The Clean Slate Method Guide

The Magic Second Chance Letter

The secret behind this letter is so simple you'll wonder why you haven't come up with the idea yourself. This technique will make sure you get an opening back to the heart of your ex lover.

In this letter you'll also find ways to make yourself whole again. Feeling broken will certainly not attract your ex back and really it'll do you no good.

I'd urge you to go through this material, BEFORE you start implementing the methods and techniques you'll learn from The Magic Of Making Up. This letter will coach you to get the right mindset, and the proven plan of The Magic Of Making Up system will take you the rest of the way. So start here!

The Mind Magic

The Mind Magic is 23 page ebook featuring extremely powerful techniques. Use them as leverage, use them wisely and most importantly use them in an ethical manner. Reason why I say this is that this is i barely crossing the borders of using mind control on another person, to get what you want. It's that powerful.

Wouldn't it be nice to turn the tables, so it's suddenly you ex who's calling you all the time? You'll learn to get the responses you desire, through very unconventional strategies that few people outside The Magic Of Making Up knows and utilizes.

It's up to you to decide whether you feel these strategies is immoral manipulation, or if it's simply just highly efficient "persuasion", used to open up the eyes of your ex, so he or she realizes how bright the future still is for the two of you. That's probably one reason why T Dub is worried about this getting into the wrong hands.

You can seriously mess up peoples mind with these techniques if used wrong.

My own personal opinion is that you see something they don't. Something wonderful for the both of you. And you simply show them, and lead the way, because you've learnt what went wrong and how to fix it.

The Clean Slate Method Guide

This guide is absolutely vital if you know it was you who ruined your relationship because of a stupid mistake that you now regret miserably. Worst case; you had an affair, was caught in a weak moment.. hey don't be so harsh on yourself. It could happen to all of us, under the wrong circumstances. Yes everbody. The most important thing is that you know you love your ex, and that you're wiling to do everything to get them back!

This guide is for you if you've tried apologizing many times, but your ex still hates you.

It's about WHAT to say, WHEN to say it, and HOW to say it. It's about the magic of forgiveness. T Dub has even wrote the letters for you to use. You just have to give it the final personal touch. It's all layed out before you.

Final Words..

To be completely honest with you, if you need help. I recommend The Magic Of Making Up. I have a strong belief that this relationship system is the one that really can help you. Also what I didn't mention was the priceless email consultations you'll get from T Dub, if you have any questions. Really I don't see any piece missing in this packet.

It's much better than receiving personal support from friends or family members, since this guy is an expert and does this for a living. He knows what's best for you, and he's willing to take the time to get you there.

The Magic Of Making Up is an entire complete system. A system of unconventional to controversial approaches, strategically designed to lead you step-by-step to get back your ex. It not just a set of ebooks.

The "magic" of these strategies come from each and every person who uses them. The magic comes from the heart, which is why it is so powerful, and why it can be used for good and for evil. And again that's why it important it doesn't fall into the wrong hands too often. Only tell people that you trust about it.

Every person with a broken heart thinks that their situation is just too complicated and out of the ordinary. They think other peoples relationships are superficial and not as deep as what you and your ex had. Perhaps you feel the same way too? That your situation is just to complex and this might not work for you?

I understand. But when you learn the whole concept and the steps, you will be convinced that the system works. You only have to follow the plan and ACT on it.

I hope I've given you some valuable insight, so you make the right decision, because if it's true love it's really worth fighting for. What's better, in life, than love? Whatever you decide on doing I wish you the best of luck, and I sincerily do hope everything will work out for you, and that you'll live happily ever after.

Whatever you might currently be dealing with will soon come to pass. And you will never have to, once again, endure the pain you are feeling now. You probably don’t realize it yet but in time you will.

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Make Your Ex Girlfriend Want You Back

Posted By On 09.14 21 kommentarer
How to make your ex girlfriend want you back? - this is for the guys ONLY!
(girls look beneth this article!)

Hi, guys and contratulations for finding this site.

Just like the girls we don't use our head, right after a broken relationship. We set aside all logic, refuse to listen to advice and we end up exploding in emotions, thus showing a needy, wimpy side, weak, desperate and very unattractive side of ourselves. What might seem like a good idea.. to contact your ex girlfriend almost immediately after a break up, is actually the last thing you should ever do.

Of course you want her back, but contacting them directly after the breakup is a very bad idea. Just like your emotions are running crazy, your ex girlfriend feelings are also running wild. What does this mean? It means that any of you, aren't behaving and thinking like you'd normally do. Everything you say or do, will most likely be misunderstood, which could lead to even further distance between the two of you.

Here's 3 Steps How To Make Your Ex Want You Back...

Step 1: Reflect

First of all you need to relax. Take a day off from EVERYTHING, spend it by reflecting over what just happened. The first step is to find the WHYs as to why the relationship gone bad.

When you're able to pinpoint exactly why it went all wrong with the two of you, then you you're a big step closer to finding the mechanism to make your ex want you back. There's alot more to it of course, but this an essential step to complete. Look at it as a foundation. Don't worry if you can't figure it out now. Some people can't because some situations are soo complex, but I'll show you how (step 3). Just continue reading!

Step 2: The No Contact Rule

Step 2 is the NC rule (No Contact). Following the NC rule you completely stop ALL contact with your ex for a couple of weeks, right after the breakup. By doing this you turn the tables, so it's your ex girlfriend who ends up calling YOU, not the other way around. It will force her to miss you!

Step 3: The Importance Of Having A Proven Plan

The most effective way to make your ex want you back, is to follow a system. Following a system or plan, will help you avoid making fatal mistakes, and it will safely help you in the right direction.

Force Your Ex Boyfriend Back Into Your Arms!

Posted By On 08.42 117 kommentarer
Right now you're probably feeling as if there's no hope. You feel like you've lost the only person you've truly ever loved, right? A broken heart is a tough and very difficult period we all eventually have to go through. You may not believe it right now, but there is ALWAYS hope. You actually stand a very good chance to make your ex want you back, you just don't realize it yet. Read on but proceed with caution, because there are a lot of mistakes you could possibly end up doing, if you do not follow these advice I'm handing to you.

The first question you have to ask yourself, is whether or not you are willing to do what it takes to get him back. The second thing is that you need to avoid the following mistakes.

How To Make Make Your Ex Want You Back - 5 things you DO NOT want to do!!!...
  • Call directly after the breakup
  • BEG your ex boyfriend to take you back
  • Promise to fix everything and change for good
  • Trying to fix the breakup through text messages or email.
  • Try and convince them you are the love of there life

It's not too late, if you've already made some mistakes, BUT YOU NEED TO STOP IMMEDIATELY!!!.

Listen... I understand why you'd do these things, because when our hearts is torn apart, we let our emotions control our actions? But you have to believe me when I say this; during the period right after a break up, the tension reaches its maximum, and often all those things you feel is right to say, is simply killing your chances of ever attracting you ex boyfriend back.

That's why I can't stress enough, the importance of following a proven system step-by-step, if you really want to make your ex want you back! You have to make a promise to yourself, that you will fight the inner desires you might have, to detour and make mistakes and by listening to your heart (it only works in romance movies!) - you need to stick to the PROVEN plan, which could be a challenge in itself.

The great thing about having a plan to follow, is that you don't make any mistakes in your attempt to make your ex want you back!